Thursday, December 20, 2012

12/20/12 - All around us are diverse energies of the holiday being expressed in a multitude of ways.  As for myself, I'm not quite in the holiday spirit and allowing this realization to be what it is. Perhaps now that I have manifested a a warm home, a sacred space, for me to stay through Christmas, with the support of generous friends; old friends, new friends, and open trusting friends I haven't met yet, I am open and ready to experience the tidings of this season. Being here with my sister*friend Christine, I imagine any moment now I shall be leaping into the joyous hoop-de-la aspect of the holidays in addition to celebrating the ancient story and tradition. 

I discovered the below words on the internet this morning.  For me they hold the key to unifying this world. The power of unity happens in a flash when we honor our chosen path and the chosen path of others in mutual measure with unconditional love and acceptance. The origin of each path is unique, wonderful and wisdom-filled.  The gift of collective Unity shall be bestowed when every personal life stream wakes up to remember, recognize and realize the preciousness of every path.  By the power of love and divine law that thought creates reality, I raise this cup of awakening elixir in my hands of gratitude... and toast for everyone breathing on this precious planet, and I drink with heaven and earth for the love of today and all the tomorrows.  So Be It ~ Amen, Awoman, Asoul!!!

Aborigines = We sing in gladness, Honoring Forever Oneness,
Agnostics = We get what we give,
Aloha Spirit = Each person is Important for Collective Existence,

Buddhism = What we give to others returns increased many times over,

Christianity = Love Your Neighbor as You Love Your Self,

Hinduism = Treat others as you would like to be treated,
Islam = Hurt No One so that No One may Hurt You,
Judaism = Thou shall Love Thy Neighbor a Thyself,
Native indigenous = What We Do To Mother Earth We Do To Ourselves,
Organic Farmers = We Reap What We Sow,
Pagan = Everything we do returns times three to You and Me,
Taoism = Our Neighbor’s loss eventually is our loss,
Wiccans = Harm None, Live Fully, for this is the Purpose of Living

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