In retrospect, living on the road these last 5+ months has filled me with great joy and contentment.... challenges of course too. Every now and then, I come to a place where I do wonder if I am ready to settle down again. Such a moment occurred when I visited Ojai recently on the central pacific coast of California. Ojai was the motivator that initiated this trip. (More about that story another time). Who wouldn't want to live in a Shangri-La feminine vortex town beaming with consciousness, spirituality and creativity? After delving for days into the well of my deepest longings, I discovered that even though I feel a sense of home in Ojai, I am not yet ready to set down roots. Perhaps when I do, it will be Ojai. On the other hand, I love the redlands of the southwest, always have, and know that I must return there to continue exploring.
I've been offered a good deal of emotional support on this journey from my sister tribe that know me well. One of those sisters over Christmas holiday reminded me to stretch myself bigger. To empower myself to manifest all that I desire, not just some of what I desire. I've been made aware that I've been carrying around this belief system of this or that instead of this and that. WOW! I can have a home, partner and travel! What a great ahha! In that light bulb moment I changed my default thought pattern and asked for it all. WOOHOO ~ I conquered that hurdle and realigned myself.
Another opportunity arrived last week when a dear sister*friend invited me to meet her in Kauai in a couple weeks. So I delved deeply again.... head to Kauai or not, that is the question..... I've always wanted to travel there and this friend has invited me numerous times. For a couple days I got swept off my feet at the notion of joining my mermaiden sister on that luscious island. Meanwhile, I am reconsidering that "chess move." Surely feels like I'm playing a game of chess with myself here.
Scoping out the moment and the big picture, ~ it's all about choices and timing.
Having postponed my yearning to travel for many years, I have built up a lifetime of longing to explore many places on this beloved planet. DejaVu ~ I am remembering that I was told years ago in an Akashic Record session that my spirit resonates deeply with the matrix of many people and places on this planet and I feel it everyday. Sometimes I find the dance of choice and direction oh so challenging. Other times, things are so crystal clear there is no room for questioning and it is in these moments that I celebrate the clarity with which I step.
My spirit in this moment whispers: Step by Step ~ Breath by Breath, patience and steadfastness is the key. There are many places that I am to open up to and in the same breath unattach to a fixed outcome. Although I have the ability to "makes things happen" the truth of my being is reminding me to "remain open and allow things to happen." These are very different energy vibrations. My journey is the latter.
Marya ~Thank you for your glorious invitation. Having my home on the road presents a consideration of leaving it behind somewhere if I were to fly away in addition to the finance consideration. All in all, I'm not feeling a whole lot of energy toward proactively pursuing shifting tracks. I feel quite content with the vision set before me the next few weeks. I still feel that one day I shall be there with you in Kauai. Until then, I remain your mermaiden sister. Envisioning a beautiful Aloha basket of wonderful experiences for you and look forward to hearing about your journey. The island aspect of my heart is surely with you.
Dear Tribe Sisters ~ thank you so much for responding to my email. I deeply appreciate your encouraging support.
Christine C~ Resting in the resonance, I am abiding in the words you emailed to me this morning....
You will always get to where you want to go when the stars and moon line up for a safe journey. Your calling, at this time, is the direction in which you are heading.

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