As I take another sip of luscious latte, I recall my last few days in Ojai.
On Sunday, 2/3 - I attended an event at the Ojai Foundation where Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the original Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe of the Lakota, spoke in the Ceremonial Council House where 100+ of us gathered. The aroma of kopal and white sage filled the air as did Chumash welcoming songs, flute and drum. My bodymindspiritsoul was deeply cleansed and opened wide to this great honor. To learn more about Chief Arvol's mission and works I invite you to visit ~
Chief Arvol spoke about American Indian life in South Dakota then and now, mentioning briefly colonialization, historical trauma, the massacre at Wounded Knee and Reservation life. He spoke much more about the present ~ the signs of our time; the spiritual significance of the birth of the white animals, the red road prophecies, the major importance of listening to Spirit and the Power of Prayer. Most significantly, asking us all to pray for the stoppage of the pipeline drilling which directly impacts earth's ozone layer. With great love and strength he imparted that Mother Earth has shaken life off of her before and will do so again if need be. When Chief Arvol was 9 years old, his grandmother told him that he would one day be the 19th generation pipe carrier and if the people of Earth didn't straighten up and listen to Spirit, he would be the last. He spoke about the Way of Prayer and that many people pray from the heart and yet many hearts are filled with darkness/deception/hidden agendas/false gods, the mind can trick the heart. He offered the wisdom that we pray from our bellies - our umbilical chord where spirit originates - where we are all connected as One.
His closing words: We must NOW be better people, listen and respond to spirit all the time, create a better world, remembering that All energy we create on Mother Earth's behalf will help. After two hours of amazing stories,
spiritual wisdom and wonderful laughter, we bundled up all our unified
prayers and walked to the kiva, where we offered our tobacco of prayers silently into the fire circle.
This was a very powerful evening
it was a
take out event...
take it out
shine it forth
be it ~ live it~ share it ~
My Ojai sister*friend Randee and I have been sharing deeply resonant divine connectivity - such a joy ~ we are beautiful reflections of God's Light for one another. Everything we do together ~ sharing meals, praying, meditating, walking the land, laughing, singing, foot massage, synchronicities galore and more .... being with you is one sacred feast of celebration and ceremony following another. The power of our divine sisterhood is such a joy!
Randee, thank you again sister for welcoming me into your sacred abode and boundless heart! I remain deeply grateful for the visitation of the Archangels, your awesome guided meditations, and the mutual support of our moth and butterfly medicine transformation.
Some memorable pics: (additional pics have been added to my Ojai facebook album)

The timely visitation of the 6" Hyalophora Cecropia moth
(The largest moth in North America) just outside the door following our powerful group meditation.
The timely visitation of the 6" Hyalophora Cecropia moth
(The largest moth in North America) just outside the door following our powerful group meditation.
Moth's symbolism: babes of the moon, highly intuitive, master of disguise, knows when to blend in when nessary, adjusting and adapting when the situation requires it. Complete faith that all needs will be met, ease of movement, clarity, transformation. Firm foundation before lunar journeying. Willing heart in a nurturing balance, grounding protection, listen to inner voice.
2/5 - The
Coronado Butterfly Preserve is a beautiful natural space open to the
public every day of the year from sunrise to sunset. Monarch
butterflies migrate to the adjacent Goleta Butterfly Grove for their
over-wintering time, which is typically from November through February.
The Monarchs are most easily seen during the
middle of the day. They usually hang from eucalyptus branches in amazing
clusters when the weather is cool, then flutter around when directly
warmed by the sun. Look up in the trees of the Goleta Butterfly Grove
for unusual clumps of “leaves”. They just might be butterflies!
About the Monarch Butterfly
Unlike most other insects, Monarch butterflies cannot survive a long, cold winter. Instead, they migrate south and spend the winter in roosting spots. In California, they fly to small groves along the California coast. The Monarchs can travel up to 3,000 miles and are the only butterfly to make such a long, round trip journey each year. Amazingly, they fly in masses to the same winter roosts.
The Monarchs roost in eucalyptus trees, Monterey pines and Monterey cypress. The butterflies need cool areas protected from winds and nearby water to drink, and the Coronado Butterfly Preserve is part of a perfect over-wintering site. As winter ends and days grow longer, the Monarchs become more active and return north to lay their eggs and continue the cycle. Protecting the important Monarch habitat found at the Preserve is critical to the survival of these beautiful and amazing creatures.
Evening sunset glory
Blog readers:
Surely you'll be inspired to ~
I invite you to visit Joyce's Painting in the Light
by googling: Joyce Huntington
It was a pleasure meeting you today Michael. (Michael is one of the Foundations administrators who was Krishnamurti's chef for 30+ years.) Thank you for your gracious welcome to the Foundation and the generous gift of books. I would like to return again on a warm sunny day to visit the retreat house and sit under the Pepper Tree. Today's 5 min. hail storm followed by downpour wasn't the day for meandering about the grounds.
Next stop: Relaxation Station for a massage ~ Today's the day ~ YIPEE! I can say that this massage was unlike any I've ever had before. Absolutely awesome! Typically, massages run from the low end $60 on up... well.... i have to tell you.... you can get an authentic Chinese massage at Relaxation Station for $21 / 30 min... $26 / 40 min... $35 for one hour.
2/7/13 - The day began with meeting Randee and a new sister*friend "Sana" ~ beautiful woman, a childbirth postpartum doula. Together we communed with the morning sun and the sacred power in our bellies. A spontaneous morning ritual giving thanks for the power of healing and the joy of living. This gracious meeting gave way to an inspirational walk down a trail by and through orange groves. Breathing in the citrus air was such a joyful experience. Unfortunately these larger oranges are not ripe for eating until Spring, otherwise I would have helped myself to a feast.
Moving on... I filled the afternoon with browsing about this oh, so charming town of Ojai. Shared many Ojai stories with Mary Ann, volunteer at the Ojai Visitors Center and then trekked next door to the Ojai Museum to learn more about the Chumash Indians who once resided along the coast from Malibu to San Luis Obispo. Their energy is still alive here and it is the power of this place that has me here still. Here's a pic in front of the museum... i couldn't pass up a special moment with this lovely bear.
Notice the yarn work decorating the doorway to the museum. The town story is that there are a group of grandmothers (perhaps others as well) creating late night graffiti around town. Pretty!
Here's to the rising up of our grandmothers!!!
Late in the afternoon, I stopped by one of my favorite cafes Bohemia for a cup of hot drink. There are many choices of lovely cafes in this small town for social visiting and social media enjoyment. Inside and out ~ chairs, tables, benches, umbrellas, cactus gardens, water fountains and wifi welcome you to stay as long as you wish. Yesterday I met Frank, a published author of several books. For several months now, Frank heads for Bohemia every morning, to write 6 hours a day. I know this because as I was checking my emails, my eyes drifted over to Frank's laptop and I saw what appeared to be a book chapter. I opened a conversation and we sat there for 2 hours about philosophical perspectives on life, writing and publishing books and the importance of focus and discipline. I was gifted many useful tips. Thank you Frank!
Late in the afternoon, I stopped by one of my favorite cafes Bohemia for a cup of hot drink. There are many choices of lovely cafes in this small town for social visiting and social media enjoyment. Inside and out ~ chairs, tables, benches, umbrellas, cactus gardens, water fountains and wifi welcome you to stay as long as you wish. Yesterday I met Frank, a published author of several books. For several months now, Frank heads for Bohemia every morning, to write 6 hours a day. I know this because as I was checking my emails, my eyes drifted over to Frank's laptop and I saw what appeared to be a book chapter. I opened a conversation and we sat there for 2 hours about philosophical perspectives on life, writing and publishing books and the importance of focus and discipline. I was gifted many useful tips. Thank you Frank!
Early evening I connected back up with Randee for dinner. Off to the Ojai Art Center we go.
Lots of wonderful creative events are hosted there. Every Thursday night is Dance Medicine Night. Walking into this muse of a space with dimmed light, shoes and talking are left at the door. With a big veggie burrito still digesting in my belly, I danced boundlessly. It felt so good to let my body go into the wide variety of music played by the DJ. There is such freedom and release in Free Spirit Dance! To quote Gabrielle Roth, "I sweat my prayers."
Who's Gabrielle Roth? (February 4, 1941 – October 22, 2012) ~ an American dancer and musician in the world music and trance dance genres with a special interest in shamanism. She created the 5Rhythms approach to movement in the 1960s; there are now hundreds of 5Rhythm teachers worldwide who use her approach in their work. Born in San Francisco,
Roth was originally inspired to dance, aged seven, by seeing a
ballerina through the window of a dance school, deciding that was her
vocation. She found a book that showed the ballet positions and started
to practice in her bedroom, eventually coming to have ballet lessons.
She attended Roman Catholic schools and listened to the music of the
local fundamentalist church.
Roth described being inspired by the dance of Spanish gypsy La Chunga and by seeing the Nigerian National Ballet. She trained in traditional dance methods, suffering
from anorexia during her teenage years. Roth paid for college education
by teaching movement in rehabilitation centers. Following college she
lived and worked in Europe for three years, during the mid 1960s. During
this time she visited the concentration camps memorials in Germany that
she had studied during college.
She injured her knee in a skiing accident in Germany and later again
in an African dance class. At 26, she was told that she needed surgery
and wouldn't dance again and resigned herself to the prognosis. She entered a depression and later retreated to Big Sur in California, joining a group at the Esalen Institute. She became a masseuse there. She found that her body healed itself through dance, despite what the doctors had said. Gestalt psychiatrist Fritz Perls asked her to teach dance at the Esalen
Institute and she set out to find a structure for dance as a transformative
process. Out of her work at Esalen she designed the 'Wave' of the
5Rhythms approach.
2/8/13 - Today I visited the Krishnamurti Foundation. Krishnamurti (5/11/1895-2/17/1986) was an Indian born speaker and writer on philosophical and spiritual subjects, widely considered a World Teacher. His teachings included psychological revolution, the nature of mind, meditation, inquiry, human relationships and bringing our radical change in society.
He was subsequently raised under the tutelage of Annie Besant and Leadbeater, leaders of the Theosophical Society at the time, who believed Krishnamurti to be a "vehicle" for an expected World Teacher. As a young man, he disavowed this idea and claimed allegiance to no nationality, caste, religion or philosophy and spent the rest of his life traveling the world, speaking to large and small groups and individuals. He authored many books. Many of his talks and discussions have been published. In January 1986, his last public talk was at age 86 in Madras, India, a month before his death at his home in Ojai.
During Krishnamurti's 64 years in Ojai, he welcomed thousands of visitors from around the world who were challenged by his penetrating inquiries into the fundamental questions of life. These included such 20th century luminaries as Annie Besant, Aldous Huxley, John Barrymore, Greta Garbo, David Bohm, Dr. Jonas Salk, D.H. Lawrence, Jackson Pollack, Igor Stravinsky, the Beatles and many others.
Thirty-five years ago, I discovered a book of Krishnamurti's teachings which catapulted me from my religious upbringing onto a spiritual path. In essence, visiting the Ojai Foundation today brought me full circle through the memories of when my spiritual journey in this body, in this life, began. I spent a lot of time in the library perusing through several archives. The now meditation room was once Krishnamurti's bedroom. Strong energies permeated that room where he slept and died; it was there where I chose to sit in solitude invoking his spirit essence, offering my open heart to the art of inner listening.
"In yourself lies the whole world, and if you know how to look and learn,
then the door is there and he key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you
either that key or the door to open except yourself. - KrishnamurtiIt was a pleasure meeting you today Michael. (Michael is one of the Foundations administrators who was Krishnamurti's chef for 30+ years.) Thank you for your gracious welcome to the Foundation and the generous gift of books. I would like to return again on a warm sunny day to visit the retreat house and sit under the Pepper Tree. Today's 5 min. hail storm followed by downpour wasn't the day for meandering about the grounds.
Next stop: Relaxation Station for a massage ~ Today's the day ~ YIPEE! I can say that this massage was unlike any I've ever had before. Absolutely awesome! Typically, massages run from the low end $60 on up... well.... i have to tell you.... you can get an authentic Chinese massage at Relaxation Station for $21 / 30 min... $26 / 40 min... $35 for one hour.
Doesn't that just wanna make you come to Ojai!!!
I have a new body and it feels great! Drawing on charades, I did my best to convey those words to the non-English Chinese body practitioners and they got it as we all smiled in mutual satisfaction along with a hefty tip of gratitude.
I'm ready for a good night's purr'ing sleep ~ thanks to Lynne and Helen who have made available to me their guest room I get to dive into a warm, fluffy, cozy bed. I'm most grateful to be able to come and go from Ojai because of the generosity of new friendships.
2/9/13 - Today I attended a full day silent meditation at the renown Meditation Mount. MM promotes the building of an enlightened and compassionate world
through the power of creative meditation, inspirational educational
programs, and community-based events focused on the practical
application of universal spiritual principles.
Dropping into stillness
a full day commitment to silence
every breath I AM that I AM
bathing in nature as nature
dropping deeper and deeper into tranquility.
My first words
upon speaking again ~
Breath of God
Breath of Freedom
Breath of Knowing
every moment
"I Am the face, heart and soul of God
I make a difference!
and so do you!"
Flowing from the silence of day into Dances of Universal Peace at night was the perfect closure of this day dedicated to emptying self, focused on silent being, experiencing deep self-love and divine ecstasy.
2/10/13 - ahhhhh - hot tub morning...what a way to start the day! While eastern states are getting slammed with now, I'm picking grapefruit and avocados off trees for breakfast, and believe it or not buying sweet plumpy local strawberries at today's Farmers Market. I've been in Southern California since Christmas and very much still in awe of calling this weather winter! I enjoy snow, but when I think that just last year at this time I was wearing hat and gloves, scraping and shoveling, feeding 3 donkeys and walking a lab in frigid temps.... i am enjoying this winter's climate.
Today is my last day in Ojai, so it seems from this moment's vantage point. I remember saying that a few weeks ago and Ojai called me back. I have tucked into my pocket several generous invitations to come back again ~ and sense that I shall.
In the meantime ~
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