...sipping a Chai Tea Latte, listening to the Beatles song, "LET IT BE." ~ Great words of wisdom permeating my life ~ an invitation that rests as an ongoing invitation for all beings. I pause from writing to close my eyes and breathing consciously "being this moment."
Thanks to Lyn and Helen, friends through a friend, I have been extended generous overnight accommodations through Thursday night. This way of living, trusting each moment, collaborating with the unknown, feels like I'm a Wren bird following and picking up breadcrumbs from one person and one place to another. I sometimes feel into the life of the Peace Pilgrim and sense a glimpse of her challenges of trusting each step as she followed her spirit throughout her extensive walking pilgrimage. She totally surrendered her life and ate and drank when offered it through the generosity of people she met along her way. I remember that from the moment I picked up her book knowing that she was a mentor for my life in some way. My souljourn adventure is also a way of trust and I continue to pray my way. If you blog readers, are not familiar with the inspirational story of the Peace Pilgrim, I invite you to learn more. See link below.
1953 to 1981 a silver haired woman calling herself only "Peace
Pilgrim" walked more than 25,000 miles on a personal pilgrimage
for peace. She vowed to "remain a wanderer until mankind has
learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until
given food." In the course of her 28 year pilgrimage she touched
the hearts, minds, and lives of thousands of individuals all across
North America. Her message was both simple and profound. It continues
to inspire people all over the world. Like us on Facebook - 
Friends of Peace Pilgrim
Shelton, CT 06484-1841
Shelton, CT 06484-1841
Additional Contact Information
Ojai has clearly embraced me. This small magical Shangri-La town is a feminine vortex area, which means that if you are meant to be here things will fall into place and if not, you can try and try to no avail. Such is the way with vortex areas. This area was settled way back by the Chumash Indians. It is a spiritual location and because it's one of the few places on earth where the mountains run in both directions, creates a geographical vortex, a gateway to the spirit world (much like Sedona and Kathmandu.
Everyone I've met in Ojai thus far, living a deeply spiritual path, feels that they were lured here because they were meant to be here. I do not know if it is my time to set roots as of yet. Time will tell as I allow my higher good to unfold. In the meantime, through winter at least, i am seeking a quiet inspiring space to anchor myself. This is as far as I can see right now. I would ideally love to stay close to Ojai a little longer so that I can continue to immerse, connect and explore this magical place. I also continue to pray for and open up to the continued freedom, flexiblility and resources to continue traveling. I know that with God All Things are Possible with clarity of vision and trust in the Greater Good of all Concerned. It is into this centered space of OM NAMA SHIVAYA that I surrender, focus and collaborate.
Before I move on now..... here are a few lovely pics from yesterday's excursion with sister*friend Randee. We spent the day together eating our way through Ojai .... a shared breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Randee ~ you're a great Ojai spiritual tour guide!
This mural at Rainbow Bridge health food store
calls me home to a time of the Chumash Indian days
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