Friday, November 23, 2012

11/23/12 - Occasionally I remember my dreams.  This morning I have vivid recall of last evening's dreamtime. It is a dream that I've had a couple other times in the past.  Here it is:

I seem to be the wayshower on a divinely accorded day.  Outside walking along, I feel and follow an impulse to look upwards and focus on the sky to reveal numerous clouds mysteriously forming into a great pod of dolphins.  The sky and ocean become one and the dolphins transform into physical form swimming playfully in the ocean sky with eyes twinkling the magic of wonder and delight.
The story spreads and folks are pouring out of buildings and filling the streets watching the amazing spectacle.  More then watching actually, everyone is celebrating for there is a deep inner knowing within us all that the long awaited time has arrived, the time that has long been promised from the Legions of Truth and Light.  Ecstatic blessings fill the air and ecstatic dance fills the streets.  All of a sudden one street becomes many streets - towns become cities - cities become states, states become country, countries become the world.  All of us are dancing the dance of new life!  Awakening life! Unified Life! Alleluia life! streaming bliss with child-like wonder, gratitude and peace.

Just like the first and second time, this visitation feels to me like a prophecy from home - a reminder to remain optimistic beyond what seems to be - a reminder that things aren't always as they appear - a reminder to remain open to infinite possibility!

What is Dolphin symbolic of? 
Here is some information about Dolphin Medicine 

Dolphin medicine represents the sacredness of all life and the abundance of the primordial sea. They are the gatekeepers to other realms and may teach us how to pass freely between this world and others. Dolphins carry this ability because they are mammals that live in the sea. They live in two worlds, the world of air and the world of water. Like Whales, Dolphins teach us how to remain open to living in more than one way and environment, this is especially helpful for those who feel they are living a dual lifestyle, for example the Accountant who is also a practicing Medium on the weekends!
Many of us are uncomfortable trying to step from one realm of life to another in this manner. We often feel we must hide our more unorthodox beliefs and practices out of fear that at best someone will think us a kook and at worst, we may lose our jobs. Dolphin medicine can show us ways in which we can come to terms with what the outside world expects of us and what we must do to remain true to ourselves! Dolphin may encourage us to begin looking at ways in which we can use the current career to help us step into doing full time that which we really love and desire to do so that we may be true to who we are at all times and not just when it is "safe" for us to do so! Or perhaps Dolphin energy may suggest that we begin looking for another employer who is more empathetic to our beliefs and may even ask that one share what one has learned with them and other employees! 

It is playful, a reminder that time to play is a crucial element in walking in balance. It moves through the water quickly and with great grace, ever moving with the flow. Dolphin tells us to move with the ebb and flow of life, and not to search for brick walls to smash into. To spend our energy fighting the current gets us nowhere. We remain stuck in that negative and bad place filled with frustration and despair. To slip through the bad times with our energy intact leaves our awareness open to spot the way out when it shows itself, or to create our own way when none appears. Being constantly at war with others, with our surroundings and with circumstances we cannot change destroys the spirit, eats away at hope, and consumes the joy of life.

By being aware of our breath, and using rhythmic breathing, we can lessen stress and fatigue; we can use deep cleansing breaths to "flush" our lungs and respiratory system; we can even tap into the power of breath to journey into altered states of awareness. Take a deep breath and hold it. Try to touch your elbows behind your back. Hold that position as long as you can. Then slowly blow out all your breath until your lungs are empty. Then relax your arms. Do this exercise a few times whenever you think of it, and you will feel the muscle tension in your body relax. Breath control is truly dolphin power.

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